Ray Hollenbach
Ray Hollenbach, a Chicagoan, writes about faith and culture. He currently lives in central Kentucky, which is filled with faith and culture. His book "Deeper Change" (and others) is available at Amazon.com
Articles for Worship & Creative
The Harmony of Obedience
What if the Person who loves us most is also the one capable of showing us how to live? What if obedience means "going with the flow?" We need to discover the harmony of obedience.
Articles for Pastors
Is the New Testament Just History, or Expectant Christianity?
Do we read this book as history, or are we looking for what to expect in our new life in Christ? The New Testament should be our version of expectant Christianity.
Articles for Pastors
The Second Coming – 4 Lessons From Parable of the Bridesmaids
Using the parable of the bridesmaids Jesus Himself instructed us to “keep awake” and be aware of the signs of the times.
Articles for Pastors
God Doesn’t Believe Our Convenient Excuses
The convenient excuses are usually big picture things: "The church is full of hypocrites,” I protested. It allowed me to remain in isolation. I thought they were convenient excuses, merely to get my way, but God wasn't buying them.
Articles for Pastors
God’s Path to More Power
More power: we want it. Everyone from Tony Stark to Lord Voldemort wants it. They want it bad. Doc Brown’s 1.21 Gigawatts aren’t enough—somewhere in eternity Captain Kirk is still barking, “More power, Scotty.”
Pastor How To's
7 Foundations for Church Unity
With understated simplicity, God reveals something of his nature in just 62 words. He loves church unity and bestows his blessing wherever he finds it.
Articles for Pastors
God Is in Control: If That’s True, Then What About These Pressing Questions?
I'd like to suggest that there's a world of difference between "Everything happens for a reason" and "God brings reason out of everything that happens." This is how I see the phrase, God is in control.
Articles for Pastors
What Does it Mean to Build on the Rock?
Jesus offers his followers the kind of life that results in rest and peace. Yet Christians are thrown from crisis to crisis as if...
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