
Lausanne 4: Learning To Listen to Diverse Perspectives

At Lausanne 4, we saw the beauty of the church in its potency as we embraced and engaged the theme “Let the Church declare and display Christ together.”

Creation Care and the Gospel: A Letter to the Lausanne Theology Working Group

It is important to understand the gospel within the larger biblical narrative of God’s work from creation to new creation. Nevertheless, to say that creation care is part of the gospel would be to imply that good works (caring for creation) are part of the gospel, which they are not.

A Christian College President Reflects on Lausanne 4

It was an honor to be a part of the fourth Lausanne Congress (L4), a beautiful demonstration of the church across the world, celebrating together and focusing on the timeless principles of the Bible and the good news of the Gospel.

Lausanne and the Brown Church: An Asian-Latino Reflection on the Inspiration, Pains, and Public Witness of L4

As a professor and pastor, Lausanne was a privilege to attend because it brought together my identity as an “evangélico” in the tradition of Samuel Escobar and René Padilla, and my research and teaching on the Brown Church.

The Seoul Statement: What Is It and Why Is It What It Is?

An overlooked feature in the early response to the Seoul Statement is that it is, well, a statement. It is not a covenant, a manifesto, or a commitment, but a statement.

Church Planting Lessons Westerners Can Learn From African Pentecostals

Here are several characteristics of African Pentecostal church planting that are helpful for the rest of us to consider.

Lausanne: When Strategy and Vision Lead to (Dis)Order

Strategy and vision can lead to disorder even as we strive for order. In this article, I want to explore a few observations and loving critiques of the fourth Lausanne Congress (L4).

Recommendations From an Anthropologist and L4 Listening Team Member

As an anthropologist trained to analyze qualitative data from interviews and participant observation, I often refer to myself as a professor, author, and listener. I was thrilled, therefore, to learn that I was selected to volunteer at Lausanne 4 on the Listening Team.