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Leading Volunteers: 25 Resources to Help Your KidMin Team Thrive

7 Ways to Scare Off Volunteers by Dan Scott

Church leaders are busy, but that’s not a good excuse. After all, our volunteers are busy, too. Many have full-time jobs, families and responsibilities outside their role with the church. And they don’t get paid to volunteer. They do it because you made the big ask. They caught the vision and want to be part of something bigger than themselves. Make sure volunteers know how much you care for them and want their partnership in ministering to the next generation.

7 Reasons Why My Kidmin Volunteers Serve EVERY WEEK by Kenny Conley

Volunteers will be better faster when they serve every week. Practice and experience trumps knowledge. Encouragement and training nuggets every week are way better than quarterly or annual trainings.

5 Ways You MUST Lead Your Kidmin Volunteers by Greg Baird

After volunteers are in place, we often forget about them until a crisis occurs. That’s a great way to lose volunteers. And it’s simply not right. As leaders, our responsibilities for volunteers goes beyond simply enlisting them and putting them into ministry. Our responsibility is to walk with them in the journey of faith and service.

How to Build Trust With Your Volunteers by Benjer McVeigh

An important part of leading volunteers is gaining and building trust. If volunteers don’t feel like they can trust you, your decisions, or your intentions, your team will either dwindle or become very unhealthy. Trust is more than just believing you. When volunteers trust their leader, they’re willing to follow that person and do just about anything he or she asks.

5 Volunteer Leadership Tips bChristine Yount Jones

Here are the most amazing volunteer leadership tips I’ve learned from experts in Children’s Ministry Magazine. If you follow them, you’ll become a pro at leading volunteers.

How to Manage Unhappy Kidmin Volunteers by Greg Baird

Volunteers often have reasons to be upset. Other times, you walk away shaking your head about petty complaints. Either way, you must deal with this volunteer. You do so (hopefully!) out of love. Also, whether or not their complaint is valid, it can become a virus. So don’t let it infect other volunteers, parents and the kids in your ministry.

What to Do With Toxic Adult Volunteers by Doug Franklin

So what do you do when an adult volunteer goes bad? The first thing is to resolve to deal with it. Too often we want to complain to the other volunteers, pastors or our spouses. Don’t do this. It leads to you talking about the problem but never dealing with it. The faster you confront the issue, the more effective your ministry will be. 

When Volunteers Quit by Toni Ridgaway

Next, realize that volunteers have many reasons for quitting. Irresponsibility is only one of several possibilities. Just like the children you serve, you encounter your volunteers for only a few of the 168 hours in a week. Odds are you’re unaware of the marital struggles, emotional or mental health issues, financial pressures, or parenting challenges your volunteers face.

Why Your Best Volunteers LEAVE by Stephen Brewster

In reviewing a Forbes magazine article about why top talent leaves business, here are trends that surface when people become disenfranchised.

The Non-Confrontationalist’s Guide to Leading Through Confrontation by Gina McClain

I unpack three reasons you would choose to lean into conflict rather than step back from it. And I share four steps I use to lead through conflict. Everyone can be a better leader by applying these simple steps.

5 Thoughts on Leading Children’s Leaders by Justyn Smith

I have a great team of leaders—both paid staff and volunteers. I’m very much a macro manager. Personally, I don’t have the patience to oversee every little thing. In fact, that’s why I hire leaders, so I don’t have to. Here are 5 thoughts on leading people who lead.

Recruiting Volunteers Like Jesus Did by Jim Wideman

Finally, remember that Jesus managed to recruit people without bulletin inserts or pulpit announcements. Somehow he recruited people as “disciples,” which involved more than a six-month commitment and a willingness to attend a couple of trainings. That’s why Jesus is my model for recruiting volunteers.