What’s Your Best Advice That You’d Give to a New KidMin Leader?

What’s Your Best Advice That You’d Give To A New KidMin Leader?


Yesterday, I was just sitting in my office thinking to myself, what makes KidMin Leaders successful in ministry?

So, I decided to ask the KidMin community that I’m a part of on Facebook a simple question…

“What’s Your Best Advice That You’d Give to a New KidMin Leader or Pastor?”

Honestly, I was blown away by the responses I received, so I decided to compile the 12 best pieces of advice that will make your KidMin successful from KidMin Leaders themselves!

#1 – Listen. Listen to your people. Listen, listen, listen.
#2 – Keep breathing. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in what needs to get done.
#3 – Don’t do ministry alone. Ask for help, accept help!
#4 – Take time to watch and listen. I sat down with two of my Sunday school teachers who have over 50 years of teaching. I asked what works, what would you like to see changed… I spent most of the time listening to them.
#5 – Don’t try to be someone else (mentor, fellow KidMin, predecessor, etc.), be the you who God made YOU to be. Trust His calling and trust His guidance. And build relationships before you try to build programs/events. Learn your kids, families, church and staff. And finally, don’t forget to take care of yourself; physically, emotionally and spiritually.

#6 – I don’t know who this is from but I saw this on Pinterest. It’s my favorite!

#7 – Go slow! Don’t try to change too much too fast.
#8 – Breath, listen, accept advice and pray pray… 
#9 – God will always provide…especially when you think it is all falling apart.
#10 – Make building a strong team (Children’s Council) a priority.
#11 – Remember WHY you do what you do and keep the mission central to all you do, build a team and train to replace yourself, make time to just be His child and soak in His Word. Network (not compare) with other leaders and share ideas, resources, wins and burdens. Invite your SP to visit your area often and let him know what’s happening/what your needs are. He can be your best cheerleader if he knows what’s happening in your area of ministry. Build strong bridges with other ministry areas, specifically preschool, students, family and worship. Don’t forget ministry happens outside the walls of church, too. Be missional. Just to name a few… 🙂 Most important? Love like Jesus.
#12 – Love-Listen-Love-Lead-Love
There you have it, this is the advice of how 12 KidMin Leaders are successful in ministry.
I encourage you to choose one that really resonates with you and post it in your office, put it on a sticky note on a mirror at home, or make it a wallpaper for your phone (great app to use on your phone is WordSwag) to keep it before you.
What’s your advice that you’d share with KidMin Leaders who are starting out to be successful?
I’d like to thank Phil Waggoner for mentioning in a personal email that we also need to do something else that I believe it is vital to the success of KidMin Leaders everywhere…
#13 – Teach Kids the Importance of God’s Word in Their Lives
This article originally appeared here.

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Lance McKinnonhttps://www.superchurch.com
Lance is the newest addition to the SuperChurch.Com team. He is happily married to his wife Melissa and they have two daughters, Andrina & Lucille. He is a graduate of Rhema Bible Training College and entering his senior year at Oral Roberts University for his bachelor’s degree in Ministry Leadership. He has over 10 years of ministry experience in student ministries and writes for the Super Church & Kinder Church 2.0 curriculum.

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