Home Children's Ministry Leaders Children's Ministry Blogs 12 Things Anyone Can Do to Set Themselves Apart and Lead Others...

12 Things Anyone Can Do to Set Themselves Apart and Lead Others Better!-Part 12

#12- Don’t do the same action and get the same results. We’ve heard it a million times “if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always have what you’ve always had!” But even though we know this quote by heart we still do the same old things and somehow expect different results from our actions.
Here 3 things I like to do
1.Try different things (regularly) Don’t be afraid to try something new!
2. Mix it up (Doing things in a different order makes them seem new)
3. Look for ways to put a new wrapper or twist on an old idea.
A great way to make sure you put these 3 things into practice is to add an accountability partner or coach to your life. (Have them sit in and critique you or have them ask you about what you are doing.

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Jim Wideman is an internationally recognized voice in children’s and family ministry. He is a much sought after speaker, teacher, author, personal leadership coach, and ministry consultant who has over 30 years experience in helping churches thrive. Jim created the Children’s Ministers Leadership Club in 1995 that is known today as "theClub" which has touched thousands of ministry leaders each month. Jim believes his marching orders are to spend the rest of his life taking what he has learn about leadership and ministry and pour it into the next generation of children’s, youth, and family ministry leaders.