252 | Forgiveness | Week 4

We use this saying (often) in our house:

“Make it right.”

When one of the kids does something to hurt someone else, we tell them to “Make it right.” An apology is just empty words if you don’t work towards making amends to fix the relationship that was broken.

I’ll never forget one of my daughters coming back to us after we told her to go “make it right” with her big brother. She said, “I’m TRYING to make it right, but he won’t talk to me!”

We can make all the apologies in the world and work to rectify a situation, but unless forgiveness happens, the relationship is still broken. At times, we’re only responsible for the apology, but other times we’re responsible for the forgiveness.

I can’t reprimand a child for not being forgiving. Hurt feelings are hurt feelings and forgiveness can take time. I can help my kids to remember that offering forgiveness will heal the broken relationship and ultimately lead to joy.

Our bottom line this week is “Don’t wait to start making things right with others.”

Not offering forgiveness doesn’t just disrupt our relationships with others, more importantly it disrupts our relationship with God.

When Jesus gathers His followers together for a message on what it means to live as part of God’s Kingdom, He says this about forgiveness:

“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.” (Matthew 5.23-24)

Before we can participate in worship, we need to forgive. Before we come to God’s house to offer praise for all He is and all He has done, we need to stop what we’re doing and make sure things are right with the people in our lives.

This week, think about the people in your circles that you might be having a hard time forgiving. Ask God to give you His peace that passes understanding. Ask Him to strengthen you to let go of the bitterness and the grudges and in turn offer the forgiveness you’ve been holding back.