Ten Ways to Recruit Volunteers

ways to recruit volunteers

Guest Post by Jesse Joyner

This is in descending order, from least effective to most effective, with examples given for each….

10. Mass Message Sent Via Social Media

Please, please, please volunteer to watch our kids during church! #desperatekidminpastors #signupnow @everybodywithapulse @evenmyneighborsdog

9.    Last-Minute New Family

(As a new family is dropping off their kids): Hey, thanks for coming today!  You know, we’re a little short on volunteers.  Can you stick with the toddler class today?  There’s only 35 of them and they love to play red light, green light!

8. A Sign on the Sign-in Table

We need volunteers!  Bad Credit?  Rough Background?  We’ll take most anybody!

7. Mass Targeted e-mail

Hey church-goers!  We’re looking for some volunteers in our kids ministry.  If you’re good with kids and you can run a DVD player, twitter me @churchbabysittersclub and I’ll get you on the schedule!

6. Mass Printed Announcement

(Printed in the weekly bulletin): Calling everyone who loves kids!  We need more workers in our Children’s Church for this upcoming school year.  Please respond to desperado@tooafraidtopersonallyaskyou.com

5. Mass Verbal Announcement

(On stage during adult worship service): Good morning, my name is Jesse and I’m the Family Pastor here.  We’re looking for some qualified people to minister to our kids and worship with them on Sundays.  Please find me in the lobby and I would love to talk to you about serving.

4. Personal e-mail, Text, or Social Media Message

Hey Paul!  I know we haven’t talked in a while, but I was thinking about you in regards to leading music worship in Children’s Church.  I know you’re good with the guitar, and I thought you might be interested in working with the kids once a month.  What does your upcoming schedule look like?

3. Vicariously Recruiting Through Current Volunteers (often unintentionally)

(One of your current volunteers):  Hey Chara, you would have so much fun working in the PreSchool class on Sunday mornings.  I know you’re great with crafts.  I’m teaching a block starting next month.  Do you want to teach together?

2. Personal Phone Call

(Over the phone):  Hey Gloria!  I was wondering if you’d be interested in getting connected with our family ministry in the near future.  I can tell you really love kids and I wanted to give you a chance to serve with us because I think the kids would really benefit from your gentle spirit and leadership.

1. Personal Face-to-Face Invitation to Join a Team with Clear Goals, Vision, and Job Descriptions

(In person):  Hey, Robby, I really love your enthusiasm for ministry.  I think you would be a great fit teaching some of our elementary aged-boys.  I know you’re real busy, but would you be willing to teach a 6-week block in our elementary class?  You would teach an already prepared Bible-based curriculum for 6 Sundays in a row.  You would basically be a teacher and a big buddy to these boys as they work through basic starting points of Christian doctrine.