Home Ministry Tech Leaders MinistrySafe – Protecting Children and Those Who Serve Them

MinistrySafe – Protecting Children and Those Who Serve Them

ministry safe

MinistrySafe was created by legal professionals who are sexual abuse experts.

After decades of litigating sexual abuse cases, Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris founded MinistrySafe to help ministries reduce the risk of child sexual abuse with preventative measures that fit the needs of church and ministry programs. MinistrySafe grew out of a desire to provide ministries of all sizes with the tools and resources to proactively prevent child sexual abuse.

Many ministries retain the false impression that ‘my ministry is not at risk’.

In the past decade, however, child sexual abuse is the number one reason ministries have ended up in court. Offenders are drawn to child-serving programs with fewer protections in place: the welcoming, inclusive environment of Christian ministries provides a prime target.

Using online resources, MinistrySafe members implement the 5-Part Safety System:

  1. Sexual Abuse Awareness Training,
  2. Skillful Screening Processes,
  3. Tailored Policies and Procedures,
  4. Appropriate Criminal Background Checks, and
  5. Monitoring and Oversight.