Home Ministry Tech Leaders How To Juggle Communication Tech While Traveling

How To Juggle Communication Tech While Traveling

7) Finally, let’s talk about Zoom calls on the road: If I’m traveling, I do 99% of any Zoom calls either in my hotel room or ask for an empty office or conference room where I’m visiting. Here’s what’s important:

     First – find a quiet place. You don’t want to Zoom with people running around in the background, or in a place where others can overhear your conversation.

     Second – make sure the WIFI is solid. You don’t want to be breaking up or cutting out.

     Third – check the background. In a hotel room, don’t have your unmade bed or bathroom behind you, or mirrors that might reflect your open suitcase. In most cases, you can slide the furniture around in such a way that you can get a wall or perhaps closed window curtains behind you. Here’s some more good tips for Zoom calls on the road. Ultimately, the goal is to look professional, no matter where you are.

My clients know I’m always traveling, but they never know when because I’m able to keep to a fairly normal working schedule – and that’s the key. Especially if you’re a freelancer or client-based business, when problems come up with our clients, I want to be there for them – no matter where I am.

While some may think these are the techniques of a workaholic, actually, it’s exactly the opposite. Because I can access WIFI on the plane, work in the lounge during flight connections, and understand my priorities, that leaves me lots of time to enjoy the trip – which is why I always take a good book on the road. 


This article about using tech while traveling originally appeared here, and is used by permission.