Home Christian News California Churches Preparing for State’s New Child Protection Measures; CSBC Hosting Webinar

California Churches Preparing for State’s New Child Protection Measures; CSBC Hosting Webinar

“Protection of children is always a core value of our clients. We view AB 506 as an effort to clarify and codify the standard of care of all youth service organizations, including those provided by religious groups. It ensures appropriate background checks are conducted, training of personnel is provided and adequate supervision of youth occurs.”

Implementation challenges aside, Neighbour sees the new law as an opportunity for churches to grow in their Gospel call toward child abuse prevention and reporting.

“Where we are as a state and national convention, we should be receiving this with open arms,” he said.

The three-pronged advance toward abuse prevention will require a greater level of training among employees and youth workers in churches, he said. “Prior to AB 506, most would focus only on those working with youth. While the state offers free secular training, the CSBC has paid for ministry-specific training through churchhrnetwork.com.”

The second point, background checks, can be bolstered by additional ones to cover those outside the California Department of Justice’s parameters. Such a step is recommended by the CSBC, Neighbour said, and in the long run will be very cost-effective.

Policies and procedures, the third point, will also need to be re-assessed. For instance, AB 506 requires two screened and trained adults to be present for any adult activity. The CSBC is providing additional legal assistance for churches with further questions.

A resource page at www.csbc.com\ab506 will be continually updated.

Neighbour urged Baptist leaders from other states to either watch the webinar tomorrow or return to view it on the resource page.

Leaders from around the country need to be tuning in to this because it’s coming their way,” he said. “When something happens here, other states usually take note.

“Those around the country will need to prepare for the future.”

This article originally appeared here