Church of England Bishops Head for Showdown on Marriage for Same-Sex Couples

church of england
Archbishop of Kenya Eliud Wabukala, center left, and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, center right, during Welby's 2013 visit to Nairobi, Kenya. RNS photo by Fredrick Nzwili


“Is there bad fruit from acceptance of the blessing of these relationships? If there is, I cannot see it. … Overall, our society has been enriched, not diminished, by the encouragement of stable same-sex unions,” he said.

He also argued that Christ, in giving Peter the keys of the kingdom, permitted the church to develop its ethics, so long as that development was consistent with the principles of love.

Five other Anglican bishops have backed Croft, with the bishop of Worcester, John Inge, and bishop of Dudley, Martin Gorick, saying they favored church weddings for same-sex couples. Inge, like Croft, apologized, saying in a tweet: “I stand convicted of being silent for too long.”

One of the most well-known Anglican activists on same-sex marriage, Jayne Ozanne, said she and other LGBTQ people had been reduced to tears by Croft’s stand and particularly by his apology.

“It was important because he apologized for the harm that has been done and the pain inflicted by this negativity. He broke the silence that bishops have imposed on themselves, and he was critical in helping others define their thoughts, and he’s done it while maintaining his biblical thinking,” said Ozanne. “That was crucial.”

Croft’s spokesman, Steven Buckley, said laypeople’s response had been largely in favor as well. “The resultant postbag has been overwhelming and very moving to see; roughly 75% of all correspondence positive and supportive of the recommendation in the essay.”

FILE - Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, front row, centre right poses for a photo with bishops from around the world at the University of Kent, during the 15th Lambeth Conference, in Canterbury, England, Friday, July 29, 2022. Friction has been simmering within the global Anglican Communion for many years over its 42 provinces’ sharp differences on whether to recognize same-sex marriage and ordain LGBTQ clergy. In 2022, the divisions have widened, as conservative bishops – notably from Africa and Asia – affirmed their opposition to LGBTQ inclusion and demanded “repentance” by the more liberal provinces with inclusive policies. (Gareth Fuller/PA via AP, File)

FILE – Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, front row center right, poses for a photo with bishops from around the world at the University of Kent, during the 15th Lambeth Conference, in Canterbury, England, Friday, July 29, 2022. Friction has been simmering within the global Anglican Communion for many years over its 42 provinces’ sharp differences on whether to recognize same-sex marriage and ordain LGBTQ clergy. In 2022, the divisions have widened, as conservative bishops — notably from Africa and Asia — affirmed their opposition to LGBTQ inclusion and demanded “repentance” by the more liberal provinces with inclusive policies. (Gareth Fuller/PA via AP, File)

A survey conducted by the Campaign for Equal Marriage in the Church of England, published in October, found that 1,100 priests said they would be willing to conduct same-sex weddings, and surveys conducted as part of the “Living in Love and Faith” project revealed that plenty of Anglicans in the pews want change.

But both they and those supporting traditional teaching on marriage urged the bishops to make a clear recommendation and end what they called “wishy-washy” statements.

This, for some, is the fatal flaw in Croft’s essay: He suggests that a decision to end the ban on same-sex marriage should also offer an opt-out for traditionalists. Clergy and parishes who do not agree to gay marriage ought to have the right to “distance themselves from the parts of the Church that welcome and affirm same-sex relationship.”

“You can’t compromise on harm,” said Ozanne. “You don’t have some churches that are racist and others that are not.

“This is the idea that unity matters at all costs,” she added. “But truth matters.”

Others want to grant priests permission to bless non-marital civil partnerships if they like. The bishop of Southwark, Christopher Chessun, told his own diocesan synod, “The Church’s polity concerning civil partnerships is the reality of our present situation. … I support a generous pastoral provision that respects freedom of conscience by the provision of a liturgy of affirmation and commitment for same-sex couples and a conscience clause that means no priest is required to officiate at such a service.”

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Catherine Pepinster
Catherine Pepinster is the author of “Defenders of the Faith – the British Monarchy, Religion and the Next Coronation,” published by Hodder and Stoughton.

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