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How to Be a More Productive Pastor

Now I should respond. But I should respond on purpose and according to a healthy schedule. Being a good steward of your pastoral position doesn’t mean you need to constantly available based on other people’s priorities. That’s not a productive pastor, that’s a first-class ticket to burnout.

A Stewardship Issue

Productivity isn’t a work hack or a way to shave a few hours off your work week. It’s much more than that. It’s a stewardship issue.

You have a limited amount of time and it’s our responsibility to make the most of it. We’re called to redeem our time, not waste it. Surely, that involves implementing boundaries, acting on a few principles and following some good rules.

Take a Next Step

We believe two things about church growth.

#1 – You don’t have to sacrifice church health to experience church growth.

#2 – While growth is up to God, He wants us to be good stewards of our influence and uses us in the process.

If you’re interested in healthy growth in your church, check out the Church Fuel One program. It’s a community of pastors who value practical coaching and resources and encourage one another to grow healthy.

Every month, we deliver master classes to members covering topics like recruiting volunteers, connecting people, preaching, finances and more. It’s just in time training for you and your team.

Members get access to a resource library full of documents, spreadsheets and templates. And there are members only office hours and round tables where you can get personal help when needed. If you’ve got one hour a month, Church Fuel One can help you lead your church and be a productive pastor.


This article on how to be a more prductive pastor originally appeared here.