5 Things Christians Fear – What’s on YOUR List?

Things Christians Fear
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From the simplest to the most well-informed people, God’s kingdom is available to all. This is good news! If its accessibility is contingent on my looking a little silly, it seems like a fair trade.

3. Ambiguity

Sometimes the most powerful words you can say are, “I don’t know.” But among things Christians fear, Christians seem to be so scared of uncertainty.

Scripture doesn’t intend or pretend to answer all of the universe’s questions. In fact, if you’re honest, it introduces questions you didn’t think to ask. Half of our problem is the need to create an air-tight theology that rids the world of its mysteries. I’m convinced that a lot of the dogmatism that we bicker and fight about is not only factually incorrect, it’s unnecessary.

Just relax. Sometimes it’s more comforting to admit you don’t have the answers and use that as a basis for hope and trust. It sure beats constantly needing to defend an intellectual citadel you’ve built to imprison your doubts.

4. Opposition

No one likes to feel embattled, but we will. And when we are, we need to respond with kindness, grace and love.

Because we fear being an opposed minority, we often wrongheadedly seek power. If people are going to be at odds with us, it’s probably best that we have the ability to “lord over” them, right!? We continually seek this control despite the fact that, historically speaking, an empowered Christianity has often been a terrible Christianity.

I honestly cannot find a shred of New Testament teaching that sees Christianity as a force that thrives with power. Everything beautiful about Christianity lies in its opposition to the world’s values.

  • Where the world lusts for power, the church embraces service.
  • Where the world values the strong, the church gives deference to the weak.
  • Where the world bows to the rich, the church values the poor.

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Jayson Bradleyhttp://jaysondbradley.com
Jayson is a God-botherer, writer, marketer, musician, and pastor in Washington State. An unapologetic grace and coffee junkie, Jayson desperately longs to see himself (and the church) conformed to the image of Christ.

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