Regarding Regret

I read the other day that love is the most commonly expressed emotion in the context of daily conversations.

That makes sense to me.

However, the second most expressed emotion in conversation caught me a bit by surprise. It was regret.

I wish I had saved that money instead of buying that car.

I wish I had asked her out.

I wish I hadn’t asked her out.

I wish I had applied for that job.

I wish I had taken that risk.

Most of the regret I’ve accumulated in my life is directly connected to these three words: LACK OF FAITH.

With this in mind we’ve launched a new series at Cross Point entitled, “More.”

Here’s the amazing series opener. Hats off to Stephen and Matt and the tons of volunteers who helped us out on this one (I’m amazed at the number of Cross Point volunteers you can get to show up downtown at 3 am).

If you’re not in the area you can hang out with us during this series online.

Oh, I almost forgot. I told you the inspiration behind yesterday’s message was my friend, Pastor Steven Furtick’s book “Sun Stand Still.” We sold out of copies yesterday and we’ll get more, but if you don’t want to wait you can pick up a copy HERE

Let’s make 2011 a year we start chipping away at that mountain of regret.