Home Outreach Leaders Outreach & Missions Blogs 50 Ways Twitter Has Positively Impacted the World

50 Ways Twitter Has Positively Impacted the World

Twitter is an amazing tool whose positive impact proliferates around the world.  There is a wide range of overall positive implications for Twitter, and it all depends upon the experiences of each individual Twitter user.

The bottom line is that Twitter has made an extremely positive impact on the world in a very short amount of time.

How has Twitter positively impacted the world? In order to find out, I decided to go directly to the source.  I sent out the following tweet: How has Twitter positively impacted the world? First 50 @replies will be a blogpost. Ready, Set, Go!

The @replies are as follows: 50 Ways Twitter Has Positively Impacted the World

  • 1. ScottWilliams It’s made the world smaller & more connected. You can quickly disseminate world-wide knowledge, prayers, info., The Gospel…Game Changer!
  • 2. janicegeorge It gave people the ability to not just be heard but also to hear from people they may have never otherwise had the chance
  • 3. dkrichards improved community & communications
  • 4. pastorcbrown …by allowing more healthy, kingdom focused relationships to form between national/international church leaders
  • 5. childsplayx2 It redefines the idea of “community.”
  • 6. janicegeorge It gave us a platform to instantly reach hundreds if not thousands.  These relationships have the power to be life changing.
  • 7. StephenLBloom Opened discovery of so much amazing information I would NEVER have found without people’s tweeted links.
  • 8. TJList Twitter has opened doors, made introductions, and challenged paradigms.
  • 9. matthoag I’ve gained wisdom from people I might not have met otherwise
  • 10. iamkrissy Twitter has positively impacted the world by allowing people from other countries to get to know each other better
  • 11. scottinnj Twitter has helped join a network of prayer warriors who are nuts for Jesus at @worldprayr.
  • 12. lorizimbardi A plea for help from our Care Ministry brings a quick response for those in need.  Can’t imagine doing this ministry w/o it.
  • 13. Rachel_Shine We have entered a world where “RT”, “@replies,” & “followers” allow us to feel validated, or rather, provide a new avenue for validation.
  • 14. bradhuebert Twitter creates its own world.  Whether time spent in that world impacts the physical world is up to us.
  • 15. soulricua It’s a way for people of different cultures to come together and learn.  When someone is http://shortText.com/19akz18eau
  • 16. joshlipscomb Twitter helps to capture, share, then recall thoughts & events in my life that would normally just be forgotten.
  • 17. LynnWashington Twitter has become a minute-by-minute source of news and entertainment
  • 18. CyndiAKADisneyq where else can you get out a prayer request to 1000 in just a few seconds?
  • 19. alronberg Twitter helped me get to USA to #nywc, which impacted my passion for life and making a difference in the world!
  • 20. jasonrmoye given normal people a chance to talk to people that they would normally not be able to contact.
  • 21. nataliewitcher Oh man, the prayer chain that comes out of this sucker is unreal!
  • 22. AroundHarlem Twitter has given the voiceless a voice.
  • 23. blessedbriliant [only for those lucky enough to be retweeted or followed] RT @AroundHarlem: @ScottWilliams Twitter has given the voiceless a voice.
  • 24. MyWiredStyle Provided instant global connection in 140 characters or less and this connectivity provides relatability~
  • 25. adamherod It’s made great leaders more accessible and connection to like-minded people easier.
  • 26. FLYYSINCE84 Great networking tool!
  • 27. kareepyeatt Twitter has created a community with people from all walks of life.
  • 28. digitaldetours I’ve met some amazing people that I may not have had the chance to otherwise.  All thanks to #Twitter!!
  • 29. seancbowen Helped @ninethirtyone fulfill its mission of helping people experience Jesus.
  • 30. Rachel_Shine It’s made me feel more connected to the community in which I live. As the commercial says, “Creating the fabric of our lives.”
  • 31. mkokc It’s created real friendships in former strangers, love that didn’t exist before.
  • 32. PaulTurnerToo I think Twitter has become our mini diaries filled with mini thoughts that create stories and timelines
  • 33. breyeschow Twitter has created an agile space where people are able to connect and discern the meaning of faith, community, and the holy.
  • 34. livn4hm Connected individuals together for spiritual enrichment beyond the walls of the local church.
  • 35. blessedbriliant Twitter has truly made the 6 degrees of separation in real-time
  • 36. mikeell On Monday, Twitter (in 6 hrs.) raised 1 year of tuition for a 7th grade girl/mom in Guatemala coming out of an abusive home..
  • 37. ericcarroll Getting prayer needs out there & also giving people opps w/CEOs, etc. they wouldn’t have otherwise.
  • 38. cathilinch By connecting people in relationship who would not otherwise be connected.
  • 39. BrianVasil Twitter breaks major news faster than the biggest networks.
  • 40. mikeymo1741 It’s made the conversation global, not bound by distance or time zones.
  • 41. kevinbeers Fast & easy information sharing, real time updates & fund raising capabilities to propel “tribes” of people into movements
  • 42. baltimorec allowed the “little” guy to connect with the “big” guy.
  • 43. billwolfe it creates an easy way to continue to pursue the Great Commission
  • 44. miller_schloss Twitter has taught us to express ourselves more succinctly.
  • 45. DaveIngland (FB) I just experienced the power of Twitter uniting people to pray for my brother-in-law who had a heart attack.  Awesome!
  • 46. Monica Lewis (FB) The viral marketing capabilities are insane.
  • 47. Michelle Smith Humphress (FB) Twitter beat CNN with major breaking news– i.e. Michael Jackson’s death.
  • 48. Michelle Smith Humphress (FB) Twitter allowed the Iranians to speak their minds and communicate with the free world about their shady elections.
  • 49. Joe Donaldson (FB) It has made the world even smaller.
  • 50. You- In a few short minutes, you can have an aggregate list of respondents from around the globe share feedback on any given topic. i.e. How has twitter positively impacted the world?

How has Twitter positively impacted the world?  Share your thoughts on any of the above responses or add to the list!

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Scott Williams served as a key leader and Campus Pastor for LifeChurch.tv. He is the Chief Solutions Officer for Nxt Level Solutions, a consulting company he founded to help businesses, non-profits and individuals with both internal and external growth. Scott is speaker, strategist, consultant and developer of leaders. He is an avid blogger at BigIsTheNewSmall.com, and leverages Social Media to make a Kingdom impact. Scott is passionate about leadership development, organizational growth and diversity. He is the author of “Church Diversity – Sunday The Most Segregated Day Of The Week.” Scott is married, a father of two, and lives in Oklahoma City, OK.