A Power Within

I’ve drawn the following picture a couple hundred times to give a visual illustration of one’s need for Christ to bridge the gap from that which separates us from God.

While I think it’ s a pretty accurate description of life before Christ the illustration makes no sense if you’re a Christian and yet, it’s unfortunately how so many Christians are living today. So many are living as if their salvation never happened.

Isn’t it true that you often view your sin as a cavern/barrier to God?

That you think God may love you, but he’s perpetually disappointed in you and desperately wants you to kick it in gear and work on your sin issues?

Listen, if you’re a Christian you now have Christ in you!! It’s not God on one side and you on the other, both of you staring at this gap of sin saying, “Now what are we gonna do?”

The theologically correct picture is you standing in front of your sin, taking full responsibility, but realizing Christ is in you and he has made the provision for the very sin you’ve just committed.

Why is this important?  Because the intention not to sin is not the same as the power not to sin*. God never intended for you to conquer sin on your own.

You have to give up on your power, which is really no power at all, and trust in Christ’s power which is now in you! Your sin is not a barrier to your intimacy with God, but a humbling reminder for your need for what Christ alone can give you.

Do you ever struggle with this concept like I do?