Home Pastors 5 Guideposts on the Road Back to Joy

5 Guideposts on the Road Back to Joy

Let’s consider a few:

Gratitude is the champion of contentment, and contentment is the foundation of joy.

This practice begins with an awareness of all you have to be grateful for and the daily habit of expressing that gratitude.

I have a little rock on my desk with one word painted on it — “laugh.”

It’s a reminder that even when moving the big rocks or under the pressure of lots of little rocks… laughter is one of the best practices in cultivating joy.

It’s a reminder not to take all of life, or certainly myself, too seriously.

A light-hearted approach to life goes a long way in softening the more intense and difficult moments we must face.

Certainly, you can experience the deep inner joy of God with just you and God. But even that is community. It’s a community of two.

Joy is enhanced in the company of other believers, other leaders like you, who share life together, both its difficulties and its celebrations.

A lifestyle of generosity is the fuel of joy, both yours and others.

Generosity with your resources, kindness, time, and more helps to free your hands and heart to receive joy. Generosity multiplies joy.

A positive attitude is not only a disposition of the heart but a habit you can develop because it’s a choice.

Your outlook on life helps shape your daily perspective. It’s more than just a glass half full or half empty, and how you respond to it, it’s about what you anticipate.

As your deep inner joy increases, our more common and wonderfully human idea of happiness increases as well.

Joy is like the wiser big sister or helpful big bother of happiness. What lives within you (joy) helps you enjoy what is around you (happiness.)

This article originally appeared here and is used by permission.