Home Pastors The 4 Biggest Assets in My Grief

The 4 Biggest Assets in My Grief

Randy with men's small group

I began this blog by talking about God and want to end it that way. What follows are the words of my wife Nanci which she wrote in her journal after meditating on Psalm 23. I recommend reading the Scripture first, since all she prays is prompted by it:

Please, Shepherd of My Life,

  • Cause me to want nothing more—not even good health—than to have you as my Shepherd.
  • Reveal to me that the pastures and waters to which you lead me are green and still—because you are there!
  • Engage my heart to receive the restoration of my soul by your Holy Spirit.
  • Renew my conviction that, for your name’s sake, righteousness is the direction of each path you have for me.  
  • May your Holy Spirit—the Comforter—banish all my fears of evil (being out of control, letting pride inflate me, weakness, pain, loss of plans) as I walk through this valley—because you are with me!
  • Open my eyes and my ears to the protection and comfort of your rod and staff. Don’t let me miss those things and people which you have provided me for this purpose.
  • Help me experience the table you have prepared for me in the presence of this cancer.
  • Don’t let me overlook—or fail to ask for—your every healing drop of oil on my head.
  • Keep my perspective on my daily overflowing cup of your goodness and mercy.
  • Direct my longing toward my place in your house, forever!

This article originally appeared here and is used by permission.