Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 8 Ways to Ruin a First Church Visit

8 Ways to Ruin a First Church Visit

7. The preacher screamed the whole time.

He had one tone and one volume: loud!

Why do these preachers think their voices and their decibels have to change when they begin preaching? It seems so inauthentic.

To top it off, I had a terrible headache after enduring 45 minutes of his screaming.

8. They had a business meeting during the worship service.

Now that was awkward.

I really got uncomfortable when some of the members began disagreeing.

It was tense.

I will never, ever, ever go back there again.

In each of these cases, the mystery church guests assured me the visit was so bad and so uncomfortable they would never return.

Could some of these experiences happen at your church? Do you know of other terrible church visits?