6. Be lenient toward sexual sin.
In our movement today we celebrate the grace message while frowning on anyone who dares to identify fornication, adultery, homosexuality or pornography as sins.
If you are casual about sexual sin in your own life, or if you don’t require purity among those you lead, you are stupid.
7. Manipulate people during the offering time.
Ministers often twist Scriptures and use hypnotic mind games to raise funds on Christian television. Nobody challenges their fraud, so it seems they get away with it.
Be assured these people will answer to God one day for their deception. You are stupid if you try these tactics in your church.
8. Refuse to share power.
I meet many ministers who have been leading their churches or organizations for 30 years and yet have no succession plan in place. That is dumb! You are not going to live forever.
Train the next generation now so they will be ready to lead in your place—and do it before you keel over from a heart attack!
9. Teach exotic doctrines rather than the core truths of the Bible.
We charismatics tend to feed people a “flavor of the month” in order to satisfy the craving for angelic visitations, third-heaven visions, gold dust, gold teeth, manna, angel feathers, heavenly portals and indoor rain clouds. But history has proven those who make spiritual manifestations a primary focus always get tricked into deception.
We will be wise if we keep the main thing the main thing. Focus on Jesus!
10. Become an egomaniac.
In the past 10 years, some of America’s biggest religious stars have gone totally loony because of pride. They require private jets, body guards and personal chefs while maintaining a cold aloofness from the people they are called to serve.
If you let Satan dupe you into becoming an arrogant ministry diva, you are stupid. Repent, get on the same level with the people and start acting like Christ instead of a rock star. In memory of my late friend Mary Ann Brown, I pass on her advice to you: “Please don’t ever get stupid.”
Let’s grow up, reject foolishness such as these things a pastor should not do, and aim to finish well.