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Fake Havingitalltogetherness

I am a broken man. Tired of hiding it.

My body is broken. Life has been hard on it. I try to not to walk with a limp because I don’t want people to view me as weak. That wouldn’t be good.

I rarely cry, but my spirit, soul, and heart each have small holes in them caused by the challenges of life.  I hide these holes like I hide my tears so it looks like I have it all together.

It’s this broken body and these holes, though, that cause me to lean on God and call on God to sustain me every hour of every day.

By hiding my brokenness you may think I am much more together than I really am and I deny you a chance to see why I love and need God so doggone much.  By hiding my huge deficiencies it may make you wonder if something is wrong because you have them too, but you get the feeling that you are all alone in them because I hide mine so well.

You are broken. I am broken. We are broken. Together.