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The Back Story

Their hearts were filled with venomous envy because he lived in a palace. What they didn’t know was that his home used to be a prison.

Their hearts were filled with soul-shrinking anger because he had such authority. What they didn’t know was that not too long before, he’d been a slave living under the authority of another.

Theirs hearts oozed with bitterness because the people loved him. What they didn’t know was that his own brothers had thrown him in a pit and then sold him as a slave, which eventually landed him in prison.

If you’re familiar with the biblical story of Joseph, you know I’m talking about him (Genesis 37-50).

Here’s the deal: every person has a back story. Get to know their back story before you make assumptions about their life. You just may learn something that will encourage you.

Marinate on that,

Pastor Derwin