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10 Keys to Being a Healthy Pastor

6.  Focus on results not time at work.

40-50 hours a week, total for me.

However, the point is not to clock your time but to get things done.

Focus on your highest impact activities.

Managers do things right.  Leaders do the right things.

7.  Get regular exercise and eat healthy.

For me:  weight lift and cardio 4-5 times per week

If you are healthier and fit, you can work harder and you will last longer.

Exercise is a huge stress reliever.

Avoid the Three White Killers: salt, sugar, and flour.

8. Ask for help.

Secrets are dangerous.

Need help?  In the last 18 months, has a trusted person told you, “I think you need to talk to somebody about that”?  If the answer is yes, get help.

Every prominent Christian leader and pastor I know regularly visits a counselor.  It is okay to ask for help.

9.  Let God heal your anger.

Ask God to show you…heal you.

Ask a close friend if you seem angry.

Consider:  Elder prayer, counseling, talking with an insightful friend.

This is enormously important!

10. Don’t be crushed by criticism.

Consider the source.

Be willing to receive criticism from trustworthy people – people who are for you, who are insightful, who are not negative.

Consider if you are a pleaser.  Galatians 1:10

*Excerpts from mentor program with Jeff Wells.