Home Pastors Pastor How To's 9 Reasons We Don’t Invite Our Friends to Church

9 Reasons We Don’t Invite Our Friends to Church

3. “My friend said no to me last year.”

Why do we give up so easily? And God could not have done something in their lives in the past period of time?

I have heard countless stories from Christians who had to be asked several times before they accepted an invitation. We need to learn from the persistence seen in the story of the lost coin or the lost sheep.

4. “What if it damages my friendship?”

A fear of spoiling a good relationship is another reason. We don’t ask because we fear the damage it would cause, that would be irreparable.

But of course, we are only talking about our relationship with our human friend rather than God!

5. “Our services and people are unpredictable.”

A need to know who is preaching, whether the right hymns or worship songs will be sung, and whether everyone will behave. We are not going to invite unless everything is perfect that day.

I am not sure how perfectionism got into the church.

6. “I fear what the congregation will think of my friend; they are not our type of people.”

What if it damages my relationship with those of my friends in church when they see the type of person with whom I associate?

I seem to remember that Jesus spent time with tax collectors and those seen as the outcasts of society.