Home Small Group Leaders Monica Lee: This Is How I Small Group

Monica Lee: This Is How I Small Group

Q: What are your best work tips or productivity hacks?

A: Calendar planning and strategy is a necessity for me—I work in strategic blocks so my headspace remains productive. I’ve also learned to identify and prioritize what I deem as the most important ways to spend my time and equip/invest in others to delegate as much as possible. It’s not always easy making time to develop others, but it’s playing with the long game in mind! Lastly, I have learned to be all-in wherever I’m at: I work really hard, but I’m learning to also rest hard (that’s been a work in progress for me).

Q: What have been your biggest questions since you began your role and how would you say they’ve been answered?

A: How can I ever get ahead when ministry never stops?

Response: I’ve learned to invest my time in strategically developing and discipling coaches, leaders, and equippers so more ministry can take place without me.

A: How can I incorporate a discipleship culture into our groups structure?

Response: Place incredible coaches and leaders and invest in a successive discipleship model so those engaged in our Groups culture at every level are being grown and discipled. I’ve also incorporated new discipleship equipping tools to help our leaders disciple better.

A: How can I develop a sense of cohesiveness between the Groups ministry and leadership—thus eliminating a ministry silo, and driving vision/unity?

Response: Redefining and aligning our Groups Ministry with our Radiant values and mission statement has been a very successful shift. Our mission statement is to create radiant disciples of Jesus, and are values are Word Centered, Spirit Empowered, Kingdom Focused, Family Oriented, and Mission Motivated. Because of this, I made our groups discipleship vehicles culture and that each of our values are being lived out in each group.

A: What are ways our groups can help our church attendees take what they’ve learned this weekend to the next level?

Response: Since, by their very nature, groups help bring the weekend into the week—I decided to implement that with our message-based curriculum. This creates an intentionality for participants to take what they’ve learned each weekend, discuss it deeper, and bring it to a place of application with accountability.

Q: What is your current biggest struggle?

A: TIME! My current biggest focus is reengagement.