

Alvin Love III on Pastoring a Half Black, Half White Church in 2020

Nashville Life Church is proud of the racial makeup of its congregation. But when 2020 happened, says Pastor Alvin Love III, “one of our greatest assets ended up becoming one of our greatest challenges.”

86% of Protestant Churchgoers Are Proud of Their Church’s COVID-19 Response

When asked to rate their church’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis, a majority of Protestant churchgoers say their church's COVID-19 response makes them proud.

I Nearly Lost My Faith Again

I have to be honest. Last year, I nearly lost my faith again. Like many of us, I was in a bad place. I kept turning to the church for hope.

Don’t Miss the Leadership Lessons 2020 Taught Us

Leadership Lessons 2020 - Your outcomes in 2021 will largely be based on what you learned and how you grew in 2020.

Brian Howard Thinks Pastors Have Reason to Be Hopeful About This Year

While the executive director of Acts 29 would not typically describe himself as an “optimist,” Brian Howard says he is hopeful as the Church heads into 2021. 

Abortion, Not COVID-19, Named Leading Cause of Death in 2020 With Nearly 43 Million Killed Worldwide

Despite the overwhelming number of deaths that 2020 brought us through the coronavirus pandemic, abortion was once again named the leading cause of death last year.

The 20 Most Popular Articles of the Year 2020

The year 2020 will be a year that we will never forget. A year that was filled with news, a lot of which we all probably wish he hadn't had heard or experienced. And yet, we survived thanks to God's grace.

The Kids of 2020

This data provides great insight into the lives of the kids of 2020.  I would encourage you to take these findings and use it as a guideline as you prepare lessons, activities, games, etc. for both your online kids and kids who are worshiping in person.  This list is a great resource for teaching topics, skits, games and other parts of your kids' worship.