

At Many Churches, Pandemic Hits Collection Plates, Budgets

Churches are seeing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in their collection plates, as an untold number of congregations across the U.S. have struggled to stay afloat financially and minister to their flocks during the pandemic.

How to Write a Youth Ministry Budget

There are a few major things you have to look at when you are planning a budget. It won’t give you final answers, but these are questions that will at least begin to formulate a direction you are headed.

What Does the Bible Say About Giving?

For most, giving is an afterthought. It’s what takes place after all of the needs and wants are taken care of. But in the Bible, giving is a priority.

Next Year’s Church Tech Budget: It’s Not Too Late!

“Use it up; wear it out; make it do; do without!” doesn’t work when it comes to communication technology for the church. Now's the time to work on next year's budget church tech budget.

S-T-R-E-T-C-H Your Ministry Dollars

Here are a few tips for stretching your ministry dollars in three of the biggest expense areas: curriculum, snacks and crafts.

5 Ways to Promote Your Church on a Tiny Budget

Do you want to invite more people to visit your church service or church event? Are you looking for the most cost-effective ways to advertise your church.

How to Do Youth Ministry With $50 a Month (In 3 Simple Steps)

We do Youth Ministry on a budget of $50 a month. There’s around 40 teenagers on our roll and we average 15-20 on a...

How to Squeeze the Most Out of Your KidMin Budget

Does stretching your budget feel like "squeezing blood from a turnip"?