Christian News
Piper’s Former Church Faces Spate of Resignations Amid Claims of Toxicity, Abuse of Power
Four pastors have resigned from Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis in the past month, and five faculty and staff members have recently resigned from its affiliate school, Bethlehem College & Seminary.
Articles for Pastors
How Do Churches End Up With Domineering Bullies for Pastors?
No matter how dazzling in the eyes of men, loveless pastors vanish into nothingness in the sight of God.
Articles for Pastors
What Does the Bible Teach Us About Bullying
The Bible doesn't talk directly about bullying, but that doesn’t mean that we can't use biblical principles to address the issue.
Articles for Youth Leaders
5 Ways to Deal With Bullying Parents
How to handle bullying parents who want to argue and abuse.
Articles for Youth Leaders
How Should Christian Parents Respond When Their Kids Are Bullied?
God the Father knows what it’s like to have a child unjustly hurt by others.
Articles for Pastors
9 Toxic Traits of Common Church Bullies
Church bullies have always been around. Here are nine traits of church bullies that can help us recognize them before they do too much damage.