

7 Things That Will Drive Future Church Growth

What is the future of church growth? While the majority of churches are in decline, some are growing. There are seven factors that will be key to the growth of churches in the future.

This Is the Future of Church Growth

Church growth research illustrates why younger pastors are embracing a new model. In fact, the future of the church looks very different from the megachurch model of previous decades.

Francis Chan: This Is the Kind of Church God Wants

Francis Chan believes the model for building a church in America is 1) find a pastor who’s a good speaker 2) bring in a band 3) find a building. But is that really strategy really biblical?

9 Things That Worked in the Church a Decade Ago That Don’t Today

It's easy to miss how the church fails to be effective simply because we're using strategies that worked a decade ago but don't any more.