Christian News
Students Plead With Liberty U to Cut Ties With Falkirk Center
A new petition from a group calling itself Liberty United Against Falkirk is calling for Liberty University to shut down the Falkirk Center, a conservative political think tank at the evangelical Christian school in Lynchburg, Virginia.
Articles for Youth Leaders
7 Words of Encouragement for Sending a Child to College
"If the day has come to send them to college—do it with joy!"
Articles for Youth Leaders
One Thing I Would Tell a College Student Wanting to Go Overseas
But the thing I would tell any college student aiming to move overseas for the sake of the gospel is this: learn about the basic Christian life of discipleship.
Articles for Pastors
College Freshmen: Don’t Forget These 3 Things
College freshmen: More than you hunger and thirst for the good things that college provides, hunger and thirst for Jesus and His righteousness. Those other things will be thrown in as blessings as well, but only He will fill you.
Articles for Youth Leaders
Dealing With Doubts in College (and Beyond)
Doubts are a normal part of any faith walk. Here's how to navigate them well.
Articles for Youth Leaders
Is College Worth It for Students?
How much do college grads make compared to those with just a high school education? How many college grads are unemployed compared to others?
Articles for Youth Leaders
Keep the Faith: 4 Practical Ways to Help Teens Maintain Their Beliefs
Help your students retain their beliefs long past graduation.
Articles for Worship & Creative
Things They Didn’t Teach in College or Seminary
Have you ever woken up on Sunday morning to lead a well-prepared service only to find the people didn't respond the way you thought they would, or that they should have?