Articles for Outreach & Missions
Reading Scripture in 2021: Focus on Quality Over Quantity
As we approach the New Year, many believers are considering Bible reading plans. This is good and right, since God calls His people to be men and women, boys and girls of His word.
Articles for Pastors
When We Give Too Much Attention to Satan and Not Enough to Personal Sin
If we are going to grow in holiness, we need to be clear about the relationship between Satan and sin. We err if we shift our focus on Satan to such a degree that we downplay sin in our own hearts and lives.
Articles for Pastors
Maximizing Your Purpose – Minimizing Your Pain
Millions will wake up this morning with no clear sense of purpose. Without a compelling “why” behind all of their “hows,” life is void of motivation and meaning. For the majority, days are spent going through the motions of a mundane life.
Articles for Pastors
Why Churches Should Focus More on Marriage
Marriage is uniquely and sacredly designed to display God’s kingdom on earth. When marriages improve, nearly everything else improves as a result.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
3 Ways to Focus on God’s Presence This Christmas
Being in ministry doesn't mean we miss Christmas. Here is help to focus on God's presence this year.