

Marriage Isn’t About Your Happiness

Marriage happiness can be elusive. Plus, marriage isn't about your happiness, it's not even about you. It's about LOVE, which is something we choose to give time and time again.

Happiness: A Puritan Prayer (and Some Thoughts on the Puritan Stereotype)

People often think of Puritans in a stereotypical view that does not give an accurate description of them. Consider these Puritan prayers.

I Just Want to Be Happy

Anxiety comes from unmet expectations, and all three of these ‘unhappies’ start with expectations...

Don’t Be Content With Sloppy Christianity

It is clear that John the apostle does not want the Christian community to be content with sloppy Christianity.

What If Unbelievers Aren’t Miserable?

Unbelievers don't necessarily turn to God because they are miserable people. There is a reason why so many of those who share the gospel in the New Testament do not start with people's psychological emptiness.