

How To Lead When There Is Mother Daughter Drama

One of the tricky parts of leading in your home with teenagers is when two women that you love are at odds – your wife and your daughter. And before you know it, you're right in the middle of mother - daughter drama.

The Hidden Ministry of Homemaking: What I Learned From Elisabeth Elliot

It turns out that it’s not mainly what you’re doing that makes a life. It’s why you’re doing it. And no one taught me that lesson more powerfully than Elisabeth Elliot.

Motherhood is Apologetics

Because motherhood is apologetics, mothers must be good theologians. We must know God, his character, his words, and his ways.

Mother’s Day: Her Children Arise and Call Her Blessed

Motherhood: One of God’s most significant means of his common and redeeming grace.

Ministering to the Special Needs Mom

When a special needs mother becomes part of your church, you have a wonderful opportunity for ministry! Not only for you, but also for the other women in your church.

6 Breathtaking Examples of Motherhood From History

History offers today’s Christian women “older women…to teach what is good…that the word of God may not be reviled.”