

Distinguishing Between Overwhelmed and Overworked and Why It Matters

If overworked, one should look to simplify aspects of his or her role. If overworked, one should look to adjust work rhythms. If overworked, one should look at the most fruitful parts of their role/job and make a case to spend less time on other aspects.

Feeling Overwhelmed in Ministry Life? Try This

Today we use the life balance wheel in a more positive way. It takes many forms, but this example captures its essence. Each piece of the pie represents an area of life. Within that area the scale rates your satisfaction with that part of your life.

Prayer for Anxiety: When You’re Overwhelmed

As one who has struggled with an anxiety disorder for most of my adult life, I know just how important prayer for anxiety is.

Why Is Ministry So Hard?

Ministry is hard. Every year is different. Every year sees new challenges. Regardless, one thing is certain—it’s not going to be easy. If you’re new to ministry, let me tell you a few things: