Articles for Outreach & Missions
Don’t Demonize, Show Honor: Responding to Others After This Election Ends
There’s the usual stuff I will say: comfort those whose candidate lost with the certainty of Christ’s victory. Caution those whose candidate won from putting too much hope in the outcome of any election, and remind them to show compassion to those struggling with fear over their loss.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
The Call for God’s Perfect Justice … A Compassionate, Counter-Cultural, Christian Response
To call for justice, if it is biblical, is to call for God’s perfect justice against every form of evil, public or private, societal or personal, popular or unpopular.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Our Children Are Watching Our Stay-at-Home Response
If we rail against the government, communicate that we think these rules are stupid, thumb our nose at their spoken desire to protect us, and refuse to heed their orders or guidelines, then we are telling our children that we only listen to authorities whenever we agree.
Articles for Youth Leaders
How Should Christian Parents Respond When Their Kids Are Bullied?
God the Father knows what it’s like to have a child unjustly hurt by others.
Articles for Pastors
How to Handle Mean-Spirited Email
All pastors get hateful email. Most are easy to ignore and delete. But what do you do with the rest?
Articles for Pastors
4 Rules for Responding to Nasty Emails
Pastors get nasty emails all the time. What's the best way to handle them.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
5 Ways to Get Involved in Disaster Relief
"When it comes to disaster relief, don't follow your heart, follow the direction of those already engaged."