
Shane Pruitt

Churches Vital in Helping Vulnerable Children, Send Relief Advocate Says

Most estimates put the number of children and teens in foster care at 400,000 at any given time. Send Relief’s Family Advocacy Ministry program is trying to tackle the problem one child – and one church – at a time.

‘Calling Out the Called’ Talks Raising up Next Generation of Ministry Leaders

“Calling Out the Called,” a new book written by SBC leaders Shane Pruitt and Scott Pace, discusses the importance of raising up the next generation of ministry leaders.

Pruitt Sees an Opportunity To Reach Gen Z

Shane Pruitt, national Next Gen director for the North American Mission Board (NAMB), says churches now more than ever have the opportunity to step into the brokenness of Generation Z with the hope of the Gospel. 

SBC Evangelist Calls Out Church Division: ‘The American Church Is Spoiled, Rich, and Privileged’

Earlier this week, Shane Pruitt shared his thoughts regarding division in the American church, arguing that splitting over secondary issues exposes how “privileged” we are.

Focus on Gospel Vital in Reaching the Next Generation

Shane Pruitt and several other SBC leaders discussed the challenges and opportunities of ministering to Generation Z during a CP Stage panel at the SBC Annual Meeting in Anaheim, Calif.

Shane Pruitt: ‘How To Keep Next Gen Leaders at Your Church’

If a church has a great next gen pastor, then that congregation should do everything within their power to cultivate a favorable environment for the pastor to have a long, fruitful ministry in the church.

Pruitt Preaches the Gospel, Promotes Who’s Your One? During Winter Jam

Since the New Year, Shane Pruitt has preached the Gospel message to thousands of students as the headlining speaker during the 2022 Winter Jam tour.

Shane Pruitt: When a Minister’s Family Struggles

"I always say my primary ministry is my family. Everything else I do is from the overflow of that," Shane Pruitt says. When his own family experienced difficulties, Shane learned some things about ministering to others during times of hardship.