

Technology in Church—4 Key Considerations

Yes, I want to use technology in church but I also want to heed some cautions that wise men and women have articulated.

How Can Two Microphones of the Same Brand Sound Different?

Why would two microphones built for the same purpose alter sound differently? It goes back to a key piece of live audio production wisdom: A great mix starts with getting the best sound at the source.

Technology and Marriage – How to Set Boundaries

How can we use technology efficiently and effectively without ruining our relationships? Technology and marriage do not have to be against each other.

Every Church Audio Tech Faces a Secret Battle

To those who laugh at the idea of “spiritual warfare” on the equipment and the people in the technical arts of church audio, reconsider the power of worship and the enemy’s desire to make it stop.

Tips on Switching From Church Media Pro to Movie Career

As a public service, here’s some advice from people who understand where you’re coming from and have some recommendations about a movie career.

Six Considerations Before You Share on Social Media

Last year I did a series of blogs on what Scripture has to say about the power of the tongue. The cumulative weight of those verses...

Should Your Church Strategy Include Competition?

For our company to gain a customer all of our competitors have to lose that customer. But does this approach make sense for mission-driven non-profits like the church? Can church strategy include competition?

ZTechnology – It’s an Addiction

As children and family ministry leaders, it's important that we provide parents with tools they can use to guide their Gen Z children in the digital world they are growing up in.