

Innovation and Change – Advancing God’s Kingdom

Today, there are no lack of buzzwords when it comes to technology. But before we talk technology, we must talk about human nature. Let me back up to the year 1455 and this new technology called the printing press. 

Church Attendance Is Dying. Here’s What’s Next:

Church attendance is dying. Big time. in the future church only the engaged will attend because only the engaged will remain.

Will There Be Technology in Heaven?

Technology is a God-given aspect of human capability that enables us to fulfill His command to exercise dominion. This isn’t a modern development; it was true of ancient people as well.

Tech and Faith: Integrating Technology in Sunday School

Do tech and faith go together? Explore how modernizing children's ministry can foster deeper faith connections.

Preparing Your Family for Church Planting

When my wife, Heather, and I felt God leading us to plant a church, questions flooded our minds. The most pressing was, “Can we do this as a family of seven?” And if so, “How do we prepare our little ones for church planting?”

7 Dangers and 7 Benefits of Church Technology

I’ll give you a brief description of the primary ways in which I use church technology in sermon preparation.

Report: What Church Leaders Need To Know About How Gen Z Approaches the Bible

The newest chapter of State of the Bible 2023 finds the perception that older people prefer print versions of the Bible while younger people prefer digital media is not entirely accurate.

8 Reasons Why Your Church Management Solution Isn’t Working

When your ChMS isn’t aligned with your ministry processes, you are limited in your ability to stay connected between Sundays.