Christian News
Room for 10,000: Inside China’s Largest Detention Center
This site suggests that China still holds and plans to hold vast numbers of Uyghurs and other mostly Muslim minorities in detention.
Christian News
China Challenges U.N. Event Focused on Its Uyghur Population
"We will keep standing up and speaking out until China's government stops its crimes against humanity and the genocide of Uyghurs and other minorities in Xinjiang," said U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield.
Christian News
Trump’s Praiseworthy Declaration of Genocide for the Uyghurs Upheld by Biden…So Far
On his final day in office, Trump and his administration declared China's treatment of its Uyghur population a genocide. On this question, Biden's foreign policy team has not backed down.
Christian News
Uyghur Doctor Shares First-Hand Account of Infanticide in China
A doctor has shared that for 20 years she helped China carry out its Uyghur genocide by performing abortions, removing women's wombs, and killing infants right after they were born.