A New Kind of Holiness

Jesus was the most holy to ever walk the earth, yet messed-up people were drawn to him.

Jesus radically redefined holiness. Jesus brought a new portrait of holiness that was drenched in the reality of grace.

What does it mean for me to be holy? Well, I think it means that I follow in the ways of God’s love above everything else. Holiness shouldn’t be so much about what I don’t do, but what I do and why I do it. Holiness allows us to see God and His grace. It shouldn’t drive others away; it should be inviting and mysterious, full of beauty.

This new holiness that Jesus instituted is mind-blowing, people accepting, a place where relationships always emerge above rules. Rules have a purpose, but relationships are THE purpose; the new holiness understands the flexibility of the law. The new holiness is within grasp, down-to-earth and approachable. It’s the code of holiness we were called to live by because the One we follow is holy.