Brian Jones
I’m the founding Senior Pastor of Christ’s Church of the Valley in the suburbs of Philadelphia. In 13 years the church has grown from a small group in my home to over 2,000 incredible people. Before that I served in churches of 25 to 600 in attendance. I love church planters and pastors of smaller churches, and totally understand the difficult challenges they face as they try to help people find their way back to God.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Which Nutty Christians to Unfriend on Facebook
A while back, I said “that’s it” and began to unfriend crazy Christians “friends” like I was on crack. Since I thought that you, my dear friends, might want to do the same, I took notes.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
‘I’m Not Being Fed’ and Other Ridiculous Christian Complaints
If forced to make the decision, our church from day one has decided that we will offend the self-seeking Christian before the spiritually seeking non-Christian. I personally believe you can only strategically choose to offend either the self-seeking Christian or the spiritually seeking non-Christian.
Articles for Pastors
Why NOT Getting Hired, Promoted or Recognized Is a Sign of God’s Blessing
Embracing obscurity doesn't sound like the most exciting way to live. But what if sometimes the only way for God to truly bless us is to place us in total obscurity for a season?
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Did Jesus Really Mean What He Said About Divorce?
Here's my opinion when it comes to Jesus on divorce. You might disagree with me, but I think there was a particular reason why He said what He did.
Articles for Pastors
A Guide to Effective Preaching – Introduction. Explanation. Application.
If you're wondering how to have more effective preaching, consider the sermon writing process that I use and teach: “Introduction. Explanation. Application.”
Articles for Pastors
Why I Procrastinate on Writing Sermons (and How I’m Trying to Fix It)
Sermon crafting is like having a baby—some come out with one push, others come out breach. Having a baby 48 times a year is tough.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Why You Are Allowed to Be Angry With God
You’ll know you’ve come across one when you feel like you’ve turned the corner in a hallway and bumped into someone kicking, punching and screaming at a locked door; the psalms of lament are that intense. You are allowed to be angry with God.
Articles for Pastors
The Ridiculous Emphasis Christians Place on Bible Study
"Most Christians today assume that to be a Christian means to have a personal relationship with the Bible instead of the risen Jesus."
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