Chuck Lawless

Chuck Lawless currently serves as Professor of Evangelism and Missions and Dean of Graduate Studies at Southeastern Seminary. You can connect with Dr. Lawless on Twitter @Clawlessjr and on at

10 Prayer Points for Your Praise and Worship Team

Here are some ways to pray over the ones who will lead the worship music at your church this weekend. Take 15 minutes today and lift them up to God

12 Things Pastors Cannot Do

There are 12 things a church pastor cannot do. Pastors are amazing people and, in faith, they can do a lot...just not these things.

7 Reasons Why You Should Have a Video Testimony

Given the technology available today, any of us can do a video testimony. Here’s why we should.

Help Your Small Group to Pray Outwardly

Much of our praying is focused only on ourselves. We need to learn to pray outwardly.

Sermon-Based Small Groups: Yes or No

More and more churches seem to be moving to a sermon-based curriculum for their small groups. That is, they review and study the same text the pastor preached on the previous Sunday. On the other hand, I’ve met church leaders who oppose this approach.

Why Are Church People so Mean – 8 Reasons

Why are church people so mean? Based on interviews and surveys over the years, here are just some of the reasons church members can be mean.

10 Reasons Why Parking Lot Church Business Meetings Are Seldom Good

A group of church leaders are striving to make an “official” decision, but the discussions move beyond the official discussion to the parking lot.

8 Things To Do When Depression Hits Your Pastor

More and more pastors are dealing with the issue of depression. The pain is often deep, and few pastors have immediate places to turn for guidance and comfort. If that’s your church, here are some thoughts.

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