Garrett Kell
Garrett Kell grew up in Berkeley Springs, WV. He attended Virginia Tech where he came to know the Lord through the witness of a friend and the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. Garrett served as the evangelism pastor at Denton Bible Church in Denton, TX while working toward his ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary. Garrett then served as the senior pastor at Graham Bible Church in Graham, TX for seven years. He later spent time on staff with Capitol Hill Baptist Church who helped place him with Del Ray Baptist Church. He is married to Carrie and together they have four children, Eden, Haddon, Phoebe, and Graham. Garrett enjoys hanging out with his family, watching sports and occasionally doing some type of exercise.
Outreach Leaders
How a Friend’s Stand for Christ Made an Eternal Difference
The Gospel is the power of God for salvation, for rebels like me and rebels like you. Make a stand for Christ and trust Him to use it for His glory. That stand may just save a soul.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Do Animals Go to Heaven? How to Answer Your Child’s Questions
Do animals go to heaven? Discover what the Bible says and how you can respond to kids who ask if pets go to heaven when they die.
Articles for Pastors
Should I Tell My Spouse About Struggles With Sexual Purity?
"I would also suggest that you should always have at least one other person, of the same sex, to whom you are accountable, not just about sexual sin. Sin thrives in the darkness."
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
8 Ways to Shape Your Family Spiritually
One of our elders recently shared how he and his wife help their seven children develop spiritually. What follows are my reflections on the principles he shared with us about how to shape your family spiritually.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Every Book of the Bible in One Word
"God reveals Himself through His Word."
Articles for Pastors
Pastor: Why You Need to Spend More Time With NON-Pastors
"Hanging out with aspiring pastors can be rewarding, but pastors need time with normal people."
Articles for Pastors
Why Church Leaders Should NOT Be “Color Blind”
"Progress will come when we see each other as we are, and prayerfully draw together for the honor and glory of God."
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