Heather Creekmore

Originally an East Coast native, Heather Creekmore is a church planter/pastor’s wife living in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas. Through her own ministry, Heather speaks and writes to encourage Christian women who struggle with body image and comparison. Heather’s passion is seeing women set free from all that holds them back from finding their true purpose in Christ. In her free time, Heather homeschools their four elementary-aged children, drives the soccer practice shuttle, makes (sometimes edible) freezer meals, and breaks grammar rules. Her new book titled, Compared to Who? helps women—individually or in a group context—find new freedom from comparison struggles.

4 Tips for the New Pastor’s Wife

I’ve found that instead of dressing nice and being willing to change diapers, the most critical parts of my job don’t even take place on Sunday mornings. Here are four tips for the new pastor's wife—what I wish I had understood before we planted our church.

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