Heidi M Hensley
Heidi Hensley is currently the Children’s Minister at Shadow Mountain Church in El Cajon, Ca. and has over 23 years of ministry experience. Heidi has a passion for teaching kids that they can be spiritual giants and building strong teams of volunteers who lead them well. She lives in San Diego, CA with her husband, Jason, and two sons. With a strong love for coffee and surfing, she is grateful that her boys also love both of those things!
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Children’s Ministry Illness Policy: How to Protect Students & Teachers
Why do you need a children's ministry illness policy? And what should it contain? Learn about key kidmin safety practices.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Children’s Ministry Training Basics You NEED to Include for Volunteers
Children's ministry training is a hot topic. How (and how often) do you train your kidmin volunteers?
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Time Out, Be Still
As Christians we are called to "be still" at times. I find it fascinating that there are several moments in scripture where Jesus is among crowds and shortly after you find him taking a time out.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Family Ministry Fun for the Holidays
In our crazy busy world families are looking for ways to build memories with their children more than ever. This year as you plan to engage families, here are a few design ideas for the things you may offer.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Let’s Do Lunch
Ministry was the life of Jesus and his followers. They sold all their possessions to follow Him, they were about sharing the gospel in every motion they made. I am sure there was never a harvest carnival, or a family Olympics, but does that mean they aren't necessary?
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Families That Pray
In the constant busyness of life, use these ideas to get families praying together.
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