Jason Hood
Jason is a graduate of Rhodes College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Highland Theological College and the University of Aberdeen. Jason works as Scholar-in-Residence and director of Christ College Residency Program at Christ UMC. He's trying to figure out the twitter thing, twitter.com/jasonbhood.
Pastor Blogs
The Story of Solomon’s Wisdom
The story of Solomon’s wisdom doesn’t start with 1 Kings 3 and his request for wisdom.
We tend to see Solomon as a young king...
Pastor Blogs
Two Postures: Faith and Fear
“By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and he was not found, because God had taken him. Now...
Pastor Blogs
Elijah and Elisha, John and Jesus
In the NT Jesus equates John with Elijah (Matt. 17:1-13); Bruce Waltke makes the case that Elijah and Elisha are types of the passing...
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