Kie Bowman

My name is Kie Bowman. I am the Senior Pastor of Hyde Park Baptist Church and The Quarries Church (“one church in two locations”) in Austin, Texas ( Originally from Fairbanks, Alaska (the rumors are true- it’s cold!), I arrived in Texas for Seminary in the 1980′s where I earned a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth. Following my Seminary training I made my way to the Atlanta area where I served two churches in 10 years until 1997 when I came to Hyde Park in Austin as Senior Pastor.

3 Ways Prayer and Fasting Opens Doors

That unexpected open door led to what we commonly call Paul’s first missionary journey (Acts 13:1-4). The world was permanently changed out of that prayer and fasting in that meeting when a new door.

Spitting Fire: How Genre Influences Preaching James

I raised my son Joseph on a steady diet of Bob Dylan. I wasn’t too surprised, therefore, when Joseph became a fan of the...

Getting Closer To God

We should expect to experience God’s presence in church but fortunately we don’t have to wait for Sunday to feel closer to God- nor do we need to remain passive – hoping somehow closeness to God might occur-since we are urged to “seek God.”

3 Books That Will Improve Your Prayer Life Immediately

Every believer knows prayer can move mountains, draw us closer to Christ, help us live the Christian life more effectively, connect us to answers from Heaven, and so much more. Yet, most of us also readily admit we don’t pray enough and often struggle to pray in faith.

Brooklyn Tabernacle: The Church That Prayer Built

Brooklyn Tabernacle is nothing short of a miracle, but God can do anywhere what He has done there. God still hears and answers prayer!

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