Lane Sebring
Lane Sebring is a pastor, speaker, and author of Preaching Killer Sermons: How to Create and Deliver Messages that Captivate and Inspire. He created, a site dedicated to helping preachers communicate better. His articles have been featured by Sermon Central, Church Leaders, Pastors, UnSeminary, and others. He lives in Knoxville, TN with his wife, Rachel, and their three daughters.
Articles for Pastors
The Preacher’s Guide To Preparing Sermons With a Team
So, what’s wrong with preparing sermons alone? If almost everyone does it this way, how could it be so bad?
Articles for Pastors
My 4-Step Method for Outlining Sermons
I don’t have one method that I use every time. Each sermon calls for something slightly different. But I do have a preferred method I enjoy using when it fits with the sermon.
Preaching & Teaching
Become a Better Preacher: 3 Things Any Pastor Can (and Should) Do
This is the best time in history to learn from other preachers. You have free access to just about any preacher you want—every sermon they’ve preached. You can learn, grow, get ideas and be inspired by the best preachers in the world.
Articles for Pastors
The Communication Secrets of Craig Groeschel
For those of us who want to communicate better as preachers, we should be paying attention to Craig Groeschel, especially when he gives the secret sauce behind what he does.
Articles for Pastors
3 Must-Do’s of a Strong Sermon Opening
How you begin your sermon is vital. It can mean the difference between your listeners checking out or deciding to pay close attention.
Articles for Pastors
3 Things You Must Do With Every Point You Make in Your Sermons
We have to do more than just say a point for it to stick. But how do we do this? How do we develop sticky points that land on people in powerful ways?
Articles for Pastors
The Notes I Have With Me While I Preach
My notes look differently than they did a year ago. I’ve developed my system over the years to be best for me.
Preaching & Teaching
9 Life-Saving Tips for Preaching on Hot Topics
You don’t want anything to compromise your effectiveness.
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