Sam Rainer

Sam Rainer is the lead pastor of West Bradenton Baptist Church and co-hosts the Est.Church podcast. He is the president of Church Answers, the co-founder and co-owner of Rainer Publishing, and the president of Revitalize Network. Sam has a wonderful wife, four fun children, one crazy old dog, and a cat his daughters insisted on keeping. You can read more from Sam at his blog.

What I Teach at Our New Members Class

Every new members class should communicate three key points about your church: information, doctrine and expectations.

Pastor, Your Church Needs You To Rest and Take a Vacation

True rest is found only in God’s salvation. In the Old Testament, we have the promise of rest from God. In the New Testament, we learn how to enter this rest—only through Jesus.

How Pastors Can Make a Good First Impression

How you manage first impressions is critical to the health of the church. And leading the church includes being acutely aware of the first impression.

An Example of a Statement of Faith

A statement of faith reveals the doctrine of the church. Expecting all people to agree with everything is more cult-like than Christ-like. However, we must have parameters of belief. Otherwise, the church will break under the stress of disunity.

How To Know Your Ministry Calling

A certain (uncomfortable) peace comes with following God’s call. It's one of the ways to know your ministry calling.

Most Churches Are Not Ready To Be Ethnically Diverse—Here’s Why

While specific churches are leading the way toward being ethnically diverse, a movement of tens of thousands of churches does not exist. Perhaps we’re at the beginning stages of such a movement.

How Pastors Can Discern Their True Friends

Don’t get me wrong; most people in the church are friendly. Most people treat pastors with respect. But it can be hard to find true friends among those you’re charged to shepherd.

8 Warning Signs Your Church is Drifting from God’s Mission

I have yet to see a church drift towards God’s mission. The current of apathy always pulls away. It’s obvious to point out drifting churches as lacking purpose. But what causes this drift?

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