Sean Buono

Sean lives to teach for the Kingdom of God. He has served in various ministry roles for almost a decade, including small group leader, men's ministry leader, youth minister, director of small groups, and youth pastor. He is passionate in the mission of empowering others so that they may be able to unlock and utilize their spiritual gifts. Sean is currently pursuing his Masters of Divinity at Ashland Theological Seminary.

Being a Navigator of a Small Group Discussion

Exploring multiple options of where to take the group can encourage the group leader to a navigator with the Holy Spirit’s direction and also help foster an environment that can generate more organic positive life-change to occur within the lives of each group member.

3 Things New Believers Experience in Small Groups

By encouraging a new Christian to join a small group as soon as possible, the church can help foster consistent spiritual growth and prepare the individual to eventually utilize their own spiritual gifts for ministry.

Healthy Correction in Small Groups

Healthy correction will sustain a church community and where it will allow relationships to thrive within a small group ministry.

The Joy of Small Groups

A right-brain oriented small group ministry opts to have their groups meet and seek fellowship with one another and explore curriculum through the context of relationships that bring the joy of small groups.

Inner Healing Prayer for Small Groups

Let us be instruments for the Lord and invite the Holy Spirit into our group settings so that He is no longer impeded by any obstacles. Let us partner with the Spirit by encountering Him within this powerful ministry of inner healing prayer.

Hesed Attachment: Covenant-like Love in Small Groups

So important is the concept of hesed love for Wilder and Hendricks that they claim that “until we restore our loving attachments to God and each other, we are wasting our time doing ministry, church, or anything else for that matter.”

Tending Small Group Ministry – the Soil of the Church

A small group ministry focused on creating a deeply relational environment succeeds in bringing about transformation.

The Healing Impact of Small Group Leaders

Explore the ways small group leaders can play a key role in speeding up their group’s comfort level with one another and opening up the stages of inner healing.

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